Frequently Asked Questions

Booking & Payment

+ How do I Book?

Please book by clicking the orange 'book your place'tab. This will take you through to our secure payments page. Only once you have paid a deposit do we consider your expedition to be booked by you. If you have any questions prior to booking or would like to pay by bacs transfer instead please contact

+ How far in advance should I book?

We only make bookings and confirm the expedition once enough deposits to make the trip viable have been received. Our expeditions take a lot of planning and organisation so the sooner that you pay a deposit the more likely that the trip will run. If you pay a deposit and the trip is unable to run due to lack of interest we will refund you.

+ Do you offer payment plans?

You can choose to pay for the expedition in one go for simplicity. We always offer you the chance to pay in installments. This can only happen if you book well in advance. Once you have paid a deposit and we have confirmed the expedition we will send you a payment schedule with payment deadlines you must meet. We will also send you reminders when payments are due.

+ Can I pay in my local currency?

We accept all nationalities at Pride Expeditions. If you would like to pay by bank transfer from a non-UK account please contact us for our IBAN and BIC numbers. If you pay online our website will automatically convert your currency to the advertised cost of the deposit or installment payment. It will use the exchange rates on the day of the transaction. If you want to find out these before payment please contact us.

+ Is my money protected?

We do not provide international flights as part of our packages so are not part of ATOL. All passengers booking with Pride Expeditions Ltd are fully protected for the initial deposit and subsequently the balance of all monies paid to us, including repatriation if required, arising from cancellation or curtailment of your travel arrangements due to the insolvency of Pride Expeditions. More information is available on our Bookings and Paymets page.

+ Will I get a refund if my expedition is cancelled?

Once you have paid for an expedition you will be sent our terms and conditions which state our and your obligations in the lead up to the expedition. If you have paid for an expedition we will provide you with that expedition or something similar or give you a refund if it is unforeseeably cancelled. If you cancel an expedition we will do our best to work with you to get money back but our terms and conditions will apply if you cancel less than 60 days from the start of the expedition.

Group sizes

+ How many other people will be on my trip?

Our trips are open to all. Individuals and small groups of two or three friends normally sign up as well as occasional couples. The minimum number of people we will run a trip with is five. The maximum we run a trip with is eighteen. Generally we run trips with between eight and fourteen participants.

+ Will I have to share a tent or room with someone?

We generally do not offer the option of sole occupancy. This is due to the remoteness of our expeditions. Often there are a limited number of rooms available or tents will be carried in challenging conditions by the porters. It is simply not viable to have your own. That said we try to accomodate all and we will manage logistics so that you do not end up sharing with the same person for all the trip if you do not wish too.

+ Is sole occupancy an option?

As we have touched on above on some trips such as European treks the only options in huts are bunk rooms shared as a group. We do try to be welcoming to all so if there is a good reason why you cannot share with somebody else please let us know before booking and we can advise you.

Can I book an expedition as an existing group?

If you are already in a group and would like to have sole use of our guides and logistics we can arrange that. If you are part of a club or organisation and do not wish to have anyone else joining you that is also fine. There may be a premium for this depending on your group size. Please contact us to find out.


+ What equipment do I need?

Once we have confirmed the expedition we will provide you with a comprehensive kit list that details what personal equipment you need for the expedition. Safety equipment for climbing, white water rafting as well as tents and other camping equipment are provided by us when they are required

+Can I hire equipment?

In some countries we visit such as Nepal, Morocco or Russia it is possible to hire some of the personal equipment on the kit list such as a sleeping bags, a down jackets or walking boots and crampons for winter mountaineering. This must be arranged with us before arrival. In the majority of the countries we visit you must source all the items on the kit list before arrival.

+ Can I use my own safety or camping equipment?

No. All the equipment we use is up to the standard required for the activity. Complex logistical challenges are often faced on our expeditions and it is simply not always practical to bring your own tent or safety helmet.

+ What sleeping bag do I need?

It is always better to be too warm and be able to simply open your sleeping bag too cool down rather than being too cold at night. On most of our expeditions you will start at a low altitude where it is warm at night and move to much higher altitudes where it is considerably colder. For specific queries about sleeping bags for an expedition or anything else please contact us.

Fitness and joining the expedition

+ Am I fit enough?

All our expeditions are active adventure holidays. Rest days are purposefully built into the itineraries to help you recover and especially to acclimbatize to the altitude. We are often told that we walk too slowly. We walk slowly and rest often to help people deal with the altitude and enable them to continue day after day. That said the fitter you are the more you will be able to enjoy the scenery and the company on our expeditions.

+ How hard will it be?

Our expeditions vary greatly in their difficulty. We suggest starting on expeditions such as Mount Toubkal, the Happy Himalayas or Mount Kinabalu. These expeditions still involve long days of walking in mountainous terrain but you will not have the cold and breathing difficulties present in our higher altitude expeditions.

+ I live in the US/Canada can I join?

Our expeditions are open to all nationalities and we always have an international group of participants. We will arrange a meeting point in the arrival city on the first day of the expedition. It is your responsibility to get there. Please make sure you are mountain fit and you have the necessary visas for the expedition. We understand not everyone has accessible mountains to train on. We will support you with fitness advice and a fitness program so please contact us to discuss if yousee fitness being a problem

+ What travel insurance do I need?

Pride Expeditions trips visit remote and challenging environments. Please make sure you have adequate insurance to trek to the maximum altitude on the itinerary. If you are doing one of our multi-activity expeditions please make sure you are covered for all the activities on the itinerary including the white water rafting river grade.